
Catechism by Dreamfall #
“Harry’s gaze jerked up incredulously and he stared for a moment before reluctantly dropping to perch on the edge of the chair, wondering what punishment he would have for so defiling furniture. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d dared such an action. But no enraged shout was forthcoming. No swift fist lashed out to knock him from the seat. And he realized. This was what Uncle Vernon meant. Their seduction. Offering him things, having him sit among them- even touching him. Startled, he began to wonder if the taking of his hand had been intended as a punishment after all. Surely it must have been, and yet- it was so confusing.”

The Dursleys taught Harry to fear and hate magic and all things magical including himself. Now how long will it take the wizarding world see the damage done? And can they ever hope to fix it? Disturbing.

Wow. There are many abused!Harry out there but this one had caught my interest so I started reading. Now, I usually avoid these kind of fics because the ones I have previously read were too unbelievable and weak as in portraying Harry in a state that just end up irritating. But this one was written just right.

The summary was spot on about it being disturbing. Disturbing in the sense of Harry actually believing his ‘catechism’ with all his heart.  And you get this full on right in the beginning. I was outstanded at how it really works in a way that makes it quite believable. Next thing I know, the was sucked into that world.

While I was reading I wonder if that could really happen. If you drill something into a child enough times and with acts of punishments like the ones in the fic, that he would turn out so brainwashed that he would believe nothing else.

Anyway, the feeling follows on as Harry goes to Hogwarts. It is written absolutely terrific way that will surely make an impact on you.

[Harry Potter][Multi-Chaptered][Rated M][WIP]